Friday, March 20, 2020

Professional Nursing Example

Professional Nursing Example Professional Nursing – Coursework Example IPCP and QSEN Competencies. IPCP and QSEN competencies Nursing practice and health care leadership have been for a long time driven by a complex system of economics, technology, regulations and multimodal organizations (Turkel, 2000). There is a need to balance these economic realities with the principles of caring science, nursing cultures, and healthcare organization. The organization has to improve on some of its leadership and caring styles to promote its effectiveness. A BSN –prepared course to help nurses internalize some of the competencies as described in the Quality and Safety Education for Nursing (QSEN) and IPCP. Some of the QSEN competencies include; patient-oriented care, practicing teamwork and collaboration, ensuring safety, providing quality informatics and leading an evidence-based practice all the time. With all these competencies in practice, the BSN nurse leaders would be able to strengthen relationships and promote self-organization by communicating to the other nurses through team work and unifying framework of caring science. Explaining to the other patients that the provision of a patient-oriented care gives the nurses an opportunity to express their caring attributes to patients. The communication also improves the relationship between nurses and patients and between nurses themselves. Through round walks, they are able to exchange feelings and thoughts and encouraging the patients, which promotes caring and complexity principles. The impacts would be that the practice of evidence-based care and having quality information is a great boost the organizational integrity. This will improve the trust of the patients and create a serene environment for the nurses to work. A good health provider is always a need of any community, and that can only be achieved through the quality of services. Safety for both the nurses and patients is a fundamental attribute which any organization should maintain at any given time and should be guarded n o matter the cost of all team players in an organization. I have seen the competencies being followed in a clinical setting and I would be able to influence the process through encouraging other nurses to follow and implement these competencies in the course of their jobs, be an example for using these competencies, and guiding new nurses in adhering to these competencies. Making it my duty to train new nurses on ways to incorporate these competencies in practice and developing a framework for all the nurses to follow these competencies in job performance are the other ways I can make an influence on the process. In conclusion, implementation of these competencies would go a long way in improving the service delivery in hospitals and improving the organization’s economic standards.ReferenceKingston, M.B. & Turkel, M.B. (2011). Caring science and complexity science guiding the practice of hospital and nursing administrative practice. In A. Davidson, M. Ray, & M. Turkel (Eds.). Nursing, caring, and complexity science (169-185). New York: Springer Publishing Company

Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Why 0% Unemployment Isnt Actually a Good Thing

Why 0% Unemployment Isnt Actually a Good Thing While on the surface it appears that a 0% unemployment rate would be terrific for the citizens of a country, having a small amount of unemployment is actually desirable. To understand why  we need to look at the three types (or causes) of unemployment. 3 Types of Unemployment Cyclical Unemployment is defined as occurring when the unemployment rate moves in the opposite direction as the GDP growth rate. So when GDP growth is small (or negative) unemployment is high. When the economy goes into recession and workers are laid off, we have cyclical unemployment.Frictional Unemployment: The Economics Glossary defines frictional unemployment as unemployment that comes from people moving between jobs, careers, and locations. If a person quits his job as an economics researcher to try and find a job in the music industry, we would consider this to be frictional unemployment.Structural Unemployment: The glossary defines structural unemployment as unemployment that comes from there being an absence of demand for the workers that are available. Structural unemployment is often due to technological change. If the introduction of DVD players cause the sales of VCRs to plummet, many of the people who manufacture VCRs will suddenly be out of work. By looking at these three types of unemployment, we can see why having some unemployment is a good thing. Why Some Unemployment Is a Good Thing Most people would argue that since cyclical unemployment is the by-product of a weak economy, it is necessarily a bad thing, though some have argued that recessions are good for the economy.   What about frictional unemployment? Lets go back to our friend who quit his job in economic research to pursue his dreams in the music industry. He quit a job he disliked to attempt a career at the music industry, even though it caused him to be unemployed for a short while. Or consider the case of a person who is tired of living in Flint and decides to make it big in Hollywood and who arrives in Tinseltown without a job. A great deal of frictional unemployment comes from people following their hearts and their dreams. This is certainly a positive type of unemployment, though we would hope for these individuals sakes that they do not stay unemployed for too long. Finally, structural unemployment. When the car became commonplace, it cost a lot of buggy manufacturers their jobs. At the same time, most would argue that the automobile, on net, was a positive development. The only way we could ever eliminate all structural unemployment is by eliminating all technological advancement. By breaking down the three types of unemployment into cyclical unemployment, frictional unemployment, and structural unemployment, we see that an unemployment rate of 0% is not a positive thing. A positive rate of unemployment is the price we pay for technological development and for people chasing their dreams.